High Paying Online Jobs in India (2020)

6 Most Valuable Skills for High Income Jobs

 Most Valuable Skills for High Income Jobs

Have you ever really observed someone you think is successful and wealthy? What traits and skills do they seem to have?

While not all wealthy people are the same, most of them have mastered very similar skills. If you’re looking to looking to earn more at your 9-5 or at your side hustle, there are many skills to build upon to get there.

All of these skills and traits are incredibly transferable. So no matter what you do, learning or mastering these skills will not only bolster your knowledge, but will help to increase your income in the long-term.

You’ll also find that many of these skills transfer directly into our personal life, making you more efficient, organized, and just plain happier! Here are 15 skills that will help you make more money.

Here are 

6 Most Valuable Skills for High Income Jobs

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#1. Coding (Programming)

 Having an understanding of coding can really set you apart from others.

With the increasing reliance on technology, any technical knowledge you can display will get you ahead, no matter what job you have. Even if you have no need for coding at all in your job, your employers will know that you have the technical skills, which always leads to further money.

There are wild opportunities for programmers. Like,

1.   Full Time Developer Jobs

in that case, you could consider learning coding to get a full-time developer job in the future. 


Learn the necessary skills, build a portfolio and start applying for jobs.

The job market for developers seems is booming and it has for years already. 


Below given three languages are necessary to get basic level jobs.

·        HTML

·        CSS

·        JAVA script


2.  Freelancer jobs

Best thing about learning coding is that you can start making not much but good amount of money as a freelancer. 

The first thing is you should go online and make your portfolio and look for work among the people around you.

If its hard to find jobs in your local areas then explore online opportunities. 


Here are some best freelancing websites in which you can enroll yourself and start making money with your programming skill.

Freelancer.com and UpWork.com are the best websites for freelancers.

#2.Excel and Spreadsheets for Bookkeeping

Excel isn’t just for finance and accounting anymore. Everyone needs to know how to use Excel. Most of us claim we are skilled in Excel, but the resource has the ability to do much more than most of us realize.

As a bookkeeper, you take care of paying bills, creating invoices and preparing financial statements relevant to the business. Excel and Spreadsheets are the most useful skills for Bookkeeping.


You get paid between $50 to $60 per hour.

 #3.Graphic Designer

Graphics Design is one of the best high paying job. And graphic design can provide limitless ways to make money while side hustling. You can create website graphics, sell printables on Etsy, or take on design freelance projects for websites, newspapers, or companies.

Types of Graphic Designers:

·        Assistant Graphic Designer

·        Associate Graphic Designer

·        Freelance Graphic Designer

·        Motion Graphic Designer

#4.Sales Skill

Sales is the foundation of every business. Every company want to sell their products to people. That is why sales skill is require.


A solid foundation in sales is hard to find, and can give you a big one-up in your job. Though sales might seem intimidating to learn, in reality, anyone can learn it.

You can Open your own shop or sell for a company. And now you can sell anything you want for amazon by affiliate marketing.

Sales are imperative to any side hustle success. Not only do you have to sell a product, but you have to close the sale by marketing yourself to a client.

A derivative of this is “user acquisition” or “lead acquisition.” Online lead generation is now a big part of just about every business, and if you are able to help a company generate leads and/or sales, you are a valuable asset.

#5. Digital Marketing or Social Media Marketing

Ads on the internet have taken a life of their own. There are many platforms to explore. Obviously, Google is a massive digital marketing platform because it’s one of the most powerful companies on the internet. Google owns YouTube and numerous other big websites.

There is also Facebook and its own marketing packages, and the case is the same for the rest of social media.

Keyword research and SEO is the most important skills for Digital Marketing. There are wide opportunities for Digital Marketing Expert. Explore the world of online marketing and you will have huge doors opening for you.

Average salary of a Digital Marketing Expert

#6.Internet Researcher or Search Engine Evaluator

Search engines are constantly evolving and getting better, but algorithms can't do everything humans can. That is why jobs like Search Engine Evaluator exist. Your job would be to rate the search results so that the best results are offered to the users. This way you will not only earn money but also help in improving the search results.

We spend at least 2 hours a day on the internet searching different things. So , use this 2 hours of time to research for Google and make money.

Requirement For search Engine Evaluator job


1.   Research skills

2.   Knowledge of current events and pop culture

3.   Must be willing to work for a minimum of 10 hours per week in most cases

4.   May require a college degree

5.   Need to pass a test or an interview

6.   Fluency in English

You can make $12 to $15 per hour.

Read detail blog about How to Get Paid $12 per hour as a Search Engine Evaluator. 

About Jaimin jethva


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